Technology - Alkene Isomerization as an Entry to Efficient Alternating Ring-opening Metathesis Polymerization (iAROMP)

Alkene Isomerization as an Entry to Efficient Alternating Ring-opening Metathesis Polymerization (iAROMP)

A technique that enables the preparation of long length and low dispersion polymers with an alternating functional group arrangement


Most sequence-controlled polymers lack rigorous fidelity or are homopolymers with simple chain microstructures or copolymers, in which the monomer sequence is not precisely controlled. Polymers of imprecise sequence are widely employed, but do not provide the same structural and functional complexity as sequence-controlled biopolymers created by nature. This invention provides a facile approach to prepare extremely long and completely alternating copolymers.

Technology Overview:

Scientists at Stony Brook University have created an invention which enables the preparation of polymers in which the backbone has a regular alternating pattern of functional group arrangement. The backbone has additional constraints incorporated that provide a new polymer architecture. This technology allows the delivery of equal amounts of two compounds and the polymers created have a low dispersion of molecules and long lengths.
Source: Stephen Hale,, Unsplash Licence


Facile approach to prepare extremely long and completely alternating copolymers - Provides efficient entry to well-controlled architectures - Enables the prospect of employing alternating copolymers in materials applications


The creation of polymers with long lengths and low dispersion.

Intellectual Property Summary:

Patent application submitted

Stage of Development:

Proof of concept data is available. Utility application pending #15/545,580

Licensing Status:

Available for license. Stony Brook University is seeking to develop and commercialize, by an exclusive or non-exclusive license agreement and/or sponsored research, with a company active in the area.

Licensing Potential:

Development partner - Commercial partner - Licensing

Additional Information:

Patent Information: