Technology - 4-Aminopyridine to Enhance Arousal

4-Aminopyridine to Enhance Arousal

We anticipate that this topical treatment will increase genital sensitivity in women, facilitating sexual arousal and helping treat sexual dysfunction.


As the population ages, there has been increased focus around sexual dysfunction as a medical issue. This has resulted in a number of successful treatments that ameliorate sexual dysfunction in men. However, treatments aimed at woman have not been nearly as effective. One of the reasons for this is that female sexual dysfunction is complex. At least one likely factor contributing to female dysfunction is diminished genital sensitivity arising from loss of sensory nerve fibers in the clitoris and vagina.

Technology Overview:

This technology is based on the hypothesis that topical 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) may enhance the sensitivity of the sensory nerves in the genital region and increase female sexual arousal. This medication has already been approved for oral use to improve neuronal function in conditions where either peripheral nerves or central neurons have impaired transmitter release or defective axonal conduction. We believe that 4-AP’s ability to prolong action potentials and facilitate the repetitive firing of neurons will allow it to be used topically as a treatment for sexual dysfunction.


•    Easy and safe topical application
•    Uses medication that has already been approved for a different purpose.


The primary use for this technology is for treatment of female sexual dysfunction.

Intellectual Property Summary:

Patent Issued: US10888552B2, “Treatment of disorders of sexual arousal with local application of agents that increase membrane excitability” (see also

Stage of Development:

TRL 2, Technology concept and/or application formulated.

Licensing Status:

This technology is available for licensing.

Licensing Potential:

This technology would be of interest to anyone involved in the treatment of female sexual dysfunction, including:
•    Pharmaceutical companies.
•    Hospitals.
•    Health care providers.
•    Medical research laboratories.

Patent Information: