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for "joerg+kliewer"
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Communication Efficient Secret Sharing

Methods for distributed data storage that enable secret sharing. A secret sharing scheme is a method for distributing a secret among several parties in such a way that only qualified subsets of the parties can reconstruct it and unqualified subsets receive no information about the secret. The key idea to reduce communication is to let the user...
Published: 1/28/2025   |   Inventor(s): Michael Langberg, Wentao Huang, Joerg Kliewer, Jehoshua Bruck
Keywords(s): Technologies
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Information Technology, Technology Classifications > Computers, Campus > University at Buffalo

Polar Coding for Noisy Write-Once Memories

Techniques are disclosed for generating codes for representation of data in memory devices that may avoid the block erasure operation in changing data values. Write-once memory is a model for data-storage devices, where a set of binary cells are used to store data, and the cell levels can only increase when the data is rewritten. The WOM model was...
Published: 1/28/2025   |   Inventor(s): Michael Langberg, Eyal En Gad, Yue Li, Jehoshua Bruck, Joerg Kliewer, Anxiao Jiang
Keywords(s): Technologies
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computers, Campus > University at Buffalo, Technology Classifications > Electronics

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