Synthesis and Processing of PtCo Nanoparticles of Controllable Composition and Sizes and Carbon-supported PtCo Catalysts
Synthesis of monodispersed PtCo nanoparticles of controllable composition and sizes (1-10 nm) and preparation of carbon-supported PtCo catalysts for PEM fuel cell cathode reaction.
A method for ynthesis of monodispersed PtCo nanoparticles of controllable composition and sizes (1-10 nm) and preparation of carbon-supported PtCo catalysts for PEM fuel cell cathode reaction. The working principles of the synthesis and preparation involve molecular encapsulation approach to nanoparticle synthesis, controlled assembly and controlled calcination. The catalysts display high electrocatalytic activity and stability for oxygen reduction reaction. The immediate application of this technology is fuel cell catalysis technology. In addition, it may find other applications involving the use of metal catalysts.
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