New Nanoink Formulation of Copper-based Nanowires with Dendrite-Like Decoration for Room-Temperature Sintering to Produce Conductive Traces on Flexible Polymeric Substrates
An air-stable and low-cost copper-based nanowire ink formulation for manufacturing wearable electronics and sensors on flexible polymer or paper substrates.
Technology Overview:
This new technology features an air-stable and low-cost copper-based nanowire ink formulation for manufacturing wearable electronics and sensors on flexible polymer or...
Published: 5/20/2024
Inventor(s): Chuan Jian Zhong, Shan Yan, Ning He
Keywords(s): #SUNYresearch, CleanTech, Technologies, XCEED
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Clean Energy, Technology Classifications > Electronics, Campus > Binghamton University