Technology - Interdigitated Comb Fins

Interdigitated Comb Fins

 Method of creating interdigitated fins on a planar microstructure to deflect in the direction normal to its plane that increases capacitive actuation and sensing.

Technology Overview: 

This invention provides a method of creating interdigitated fins on a planar microstructure that is intended to deflect in the direction normal to its plane.  The interdigitated fins consist of one set of fins that are attached to the planar microstructure and move with it as it moves out of plane.  The other set of fins are normally attached to a fixed substrate around the perimeter of the planar microstructure.  The relative motion between the two sets of fins permits either capacitive actuation or sensing, depending on the purpose of the planar microstructure.


  • Provide a means of achieving a substantial amount of capacitance between the moving and stationary elements
  • Strengthen the planar microstructure and protect it from stresses during the fabrication process
  • Introduce minimal viscous damping due to interactions between the structure and the surrounding air

 Intellectual Property Summary: 

Patent rights available for licensing.   

Patent Information: