Technology - Biomarker Diagnostic for Crohn's Disease Severity

Biomarker Diagnostic for Crohn's Disease Severity

A novel messenger RNA transcript for prediction of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease severity.


More than 2 million individuals are diagnosed with Crohn's Disease (CD) and Ulcerative Colitis (UC) in the US every year. While much progress has been made in understanding these diseases, the causes are not fully known and effective treatments remain limited. SUNY Upstate Medical University researchers discovered that a significant percentage of CD and UC patients have dramatically low SHIP1 protein expression, and that a subset of these patients have a novel fusion mRNA transcript that can be used to diagnose and create a treatment plan for those patients that are likely to progress to a severe disease case.

Technology Overview:

A novel messenger RNA transcript leading to the production of a truncated version of the SHIP1 protein was correlated with increased disease severity in CD and UC, providing an innovative biomarker and method to diagnose and predict the severity of the disease, enabling clinicians to utilize more targeted and stronger therapeutic interventions in specific patient subsets.


  • Accurate: This transcript is highly specific to a subset of patients prone to severe disease
  • Simple: Detection of a specific mRNA transcript


  • Diagnosis and Prognosis of CD or UC
  • Treatment plan accuracy
  • IBD, UC, and CD clinical trials

Intellectual Property Summary:

Patented, [US10890579B2]

Licensing Status:

This technology is available for licensing.

Licensing Potential:

Licensing, Development partner

Patent Information: