Telodendrimer Nanoparticles for Protein Delivery
A nanoparticle-based method for enhanced delivery of protein/peptide therapeutics.
Biologics, for example protein and peptide-based therapeutics, have poor in vitro shelf stability and in vivo enzymatic stability, which lead to short blood circulating time and contribute to immunogenicity. In addition, biologics are impermeable to biological...
Published: 1/7/2025
Inventor(s): Juntao Luo, Xu Wang, Changying Shi, Alexa Bodman, Walter Hall
Keywords(s): cancer therapy, lipidoids, nanoparticles, protein delivery, telodendrimers
Category(s): Campus > Upstate Medical University, Technology Classifications > Drug Delivery, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics and Vaccines, Technology Classifications > Biological Materials, Technology Classifications > Biomedical Science and Engineering, Technology Classifications > Healthcare, Technology Classifications > Materials and Chemicals, Technology Classifications > Nanotechnology