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2 Results
for "gregory+denbeaux"
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Resist Enhancements for Sensitivity and Resolution

Photoresist layer manufacturing for use in a semiconductor component using a generated electric field. Background: Due to the unique properties of semiconductors, their use in modern computing/electronic technologies has found wide use in IC, diodes, LED, rectifiers, MOSFET, transistors, solar cells, and other computing materials. Semiconductor fabrication...
Published: 12/20/2023   |   Inventor(s): Gregory Denbeaux
Keywords(s): material science, materials and chemicals, semiconductors, Technologies
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Materials and Chemicals, Campus > SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Molten Liquid Nanodroplet Vacuum Impaction for Additive Manufacturing

An efficient, high purity material additive manufacturing technique designed to reduce material waste and energy consumption. Background: The additive manufacturing market has an existing need for a high purity material additive manufacturing process with reduced energy usage. Additive manufacturing uses data computer aided design (CAD) software...
Published: 12/20/2023   |   Inventor(s): Gregory Denbeaux
Keywords(s): material science, semiconductors
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Materials and Chemicals, Campus > SUNY Polytechnic Institute

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