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2 Results
for "immunotherapy"
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IgA Monoclonal Antibodies as a Prophylactic and Therapeutic Treatment for Dengue Virus Infection

Enables the prevention and treatment of dengue by avoiding the challenge of Antibody Dependent Enhancement. Background: Dengue virus is one of the most widespread vector-borne viral pathogens in the world. Nearly 400 million dengue virus infections occur each year, resulting in approximately 20,000 deaths. In addition, dengue-associated illness comprises...
Published: 1/21/2025   |   Inventor(s): Adam Waickman, Adam Wegman
Keywords(s): antibody, antibody therapy, biologics, biomedical, disease prevention, immunotherapy, monoclonal antibody, Technologies, viral immunology, viral pathogenesis
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Therapeutics and Vaccines, Technology Classifications > Antibodies, Technology Classifications > Healthcare, Technology Classifications > Viral Vectors, Campus > Upstate Medical University

PI 3-Kinase Cancer Immunotherapy

Pancreatic cancer patients will be treated with a PI3K inhibitor to induce the cancer cells to reveal their antigens to the immune system Background: Standard chemotherapies have little impact on pancreatic cancer (PDAC) patient survival, and new T-cell therapies have yet to be successful in treating solid tumors. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K),...
Published: 2/29/2024   |   Inventor(s): Richard Lin
Keywords(s): cancer, immunotherapy, phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), PI3K inhibitors, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Gene Therapy and Viral Vectors, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics

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