Lithium-7-Powered Nuclear Fission Subcritical Reactor: Safe Nuclear Power
A lithium-based fission reactor that generates safe, clean electricity while reducing the amount of discarded lithium batteries that end up in landfills.
Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal, have still failed to replace coal, oil, natural gas, and other fossil fuels, despite decades of technology development...
Published: 6/21/2024
Inventor(s): Matthew Szydagis
Keywords(s): #SUNYresearch, aerospace, applied physics, atomic power, automotive, chemistry, clean energy, climate change, dark matter WIMPs, energy, engineering, environment, experimental physics, green energy, heating, ion beam physics, lithium ion battery, materials science and engineering, nuclear physics, physics, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > University at Albany, Technology Classifications > Energy, Technology Classifications > Environment, Technology Classifications > Clean Energy
Intuitive Optical System Design Software
This program simplifies optical system design by offloading calculations to the computer, allowing engineers to work with optical axis components in a way that more closely aligns with their natural thought and visualization processes.
Existing optical design methods require the user to place and orient individual optical elements in...
Published: 1/23/2025
Inventor(s): Eric Edlund, Nathaniel Rose
Keywords(s): engineering, optics, photonics, software, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > SUNY Cortland, Technology Classifications > Information Technology
Membrane Chiller
A chemical-free, thermally activated air-conditioning system. Technology Overview:
This refrigerant-free air conditioning system uses specialized water permeable membranes and system architecture instead of a heating coil to cool and dehumidify air. The membrane chiller is driven by low temperature heat, including available low-temperature waste...
Published: 9/13/2024
Inventor(s): Jon Owejan
Keywords(s): #SUNYresearch, air conditioning, chiller, dehumidification, energy, energy conservation, engineering, heat pump
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering, Technology Classifications > Energy Conservation, Campus > Alfred State College