Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) Spectroscopy for Gunshot Residue Analysis
Quickly and automatically detects a variety of gunshot residue types. RSS.HDBackground> Background: < Gunshot residue (GSR) particles are the chemical remains of ammunition expelled from a firearm discharge. GSR can assist investigators in shooting incident reconstruction. Recovery, detection, and preservation of these discharge samples are...
Published: 12/27/2024
Inventor(s): Igor Lednev, Justin Bueno
Keywords(s): TAF, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > University at Albany, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics
Method for Minimizing Coaxial Cable Effects on Measurements in Electrical Impedance Tomography
This technology compensates for the effects of a cable connecting a source to a load during electrical impedance tomography measurements.
In electrical impedance tomography, multiple current sources are connected via cables to electrodes on the body surface. These current sources apply precise current patterns to the body. Applied currents...
Published: 11/15/2024
Inventor(s): Gary Saulnier, Omid Rajabi Shishvan, Ahmed Abdelwahab
Keywords(s): cable compensation, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > University at Albany, Technology Classifications > Energy, Technology Classifications > Energy Conservation, Technology Classifications > Engineering
Determining Bloodstain Age Using Raman Spectroscopy
A novel and non-destructive method of determining the age of an evidentiary bloodstain using Raman Spectroscopy. Background: Forensic investigators are members of law enforcement that help secure a crime scene and collect evidence. When the evidence involves blood, the age of that blood is a critical piece of information investigators need to identify...
Published: 11/1/2024
Inventor(s): Igor Lednev
Keywords(s): TAF, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > University at Albany, Technology Classifications > Biomedical Science and Engineering
RNA-aptamer-mediated Bacteriophage Purification
A more productive, less expensive method for purifying nanoscale biological entities such as bacteriophages, viruses, virus-like particles (VLPs), and ribosomes.
Working with nanometer-sized biological entities, such as viruses, virus-derivatives, and super-molecular assemblies, typically requires a purification step. Currently, this...
Published: 10/3/2024
Inventor(s): Ing-Nang Wang, Hua Shi, Jia Sheng, Alan Chen
Keywords(s): bacteriophage purification, phage purification, phage therapy, RNA aptamer, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > University at Albany, Technology Classifications > Biological Materials, Technology Classifications > Biomedical Science and Engineering, Technology Classifications > Healthcare, Technology Classifications > Research Tools and Reagents, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics and Vaccines
Raman Spectroscopy for Testing Stability of RNA-based Vaccines and Drugs
A fast, less expensive, and more reliable method for assessing mRNA degradation in vaccines, that can also be used as a tool for the development of new RNA-based therapeutics.
The development of mRNA-based vaccines for COVID-19 offers the potential for a new medical paradigm based on RNA technology. Unfortunately, these drugs require...
Published: 12/10/2024
Inventor(s): Igor Lednev, Alexander Shekhtman, Lamyaa Almehmadi, Sergei Reverdatto
Keywords(s): drug stability, mRNA, mRNA stability, Raman spectroscopy, RNA, Technologies, vaccine stability, vaccines
Category(s): Campus > University at Albany, Technology Classifications > Biomedical Science and Engineering, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics and Vaccines, Technology Classifications > Viral Vectors
Suppression of Therapeutic Escape in Breast Cancer by BTK Inhibition
This technology offers the potential of new and novel cancer treatments based on various inhibitors of protein tyrosine kinases
Genes that regulate extracellular growth, differentiation, and developmental signals are commonly mutated in cancers. Protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) mediate the reversible process of tyrosine phosphorylation,...
Published: 9/5/2024
Inventor(s): Douglas Conklin, Xianhui Wang
Keywords(s): breast cancer, cancer, Technologies, therapeutic targets
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Biomedical Science and Engineering, Campus > University at Albany, Technology Classifications > Biological Materials, Technology Classifications > Healthcare, Technology Classifications > Materials and Chemicals, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics and Vaccines
In Vitro Dental Plaque Culture Model for Biofilm Structural Analyses
This technology provides a valuable tool for studying the molecular and cellular basis of dental plaque-mediated diseases.
In vitro oral microcosm communities, seeded with mixed communities of human dental plaque, have proven to be essential tools for studying the taxonomic composition of dental plaque communities and changes in community...
Published: 1/15/2025
Inventor(s): Alex Valm
Keywords(s): biofilm control, dental, dental materials, structural biology, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > University at Albany, Technology Classifications > Biological Materials, Technology Classifications > Biomedical Science and Engineering, Technology Classifications > Dental, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Healthcare, Technology Classifications > Materials and Chemicals, Technology Classifications > Research Tools and Reagents
NRN-EZ: An application to streamline biophysical modeling of synaptic integration using NEURON
NRN-EZ is an interactive application that allows NEURON users without extensive programming experience to define complex patterns of synaptic input activation.
Modeling software programs such as NEURON are widely used in the neuroscience community to address a broad range of research questions, including how neurons integrate synaptic...
Published: 9/26/2024
Inventor(s): Annalisa Scimemi, Evan Cobb
Keywords(s): neuron, software, synapic integration, synapse, Technologies
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Information Technology, Campus > University at Albany, Technology Classifications > Education and Training, Technology Classifications > Research Tools and Reagents, Technology Classifications > Biomedical Science and Engineering
SupreMEtric, LLC
Published: 3/11/2024
Keywords(s): Startups
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Biomedical Science and Engineering, Campus > University at Albany
Humonix Biosciences
Published: 2/29/2024
Keywords(s): Startups
Category(s): Campus > University at Albany, Technology Classifications > Biomedical Science and Engineering