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for "technology+classifications+%3e+antibodies"
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An anti-capsular antibody that cross protects against clade 1 Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae

A monoclonal antibody that exhibits cross-protective efficacy against multiple ST258 CR-Kp strains RSS.HDBackground> Background: < Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have emerged as a dominant therapeutic modality to treat cancer, immune disorders, and infectious diseases such as high-mortality Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae...
Published: 2/4/2025   |   Inventor(s): Kasturi Banerjee, Bettina Fries, Michael Motley
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > Antibodies, Campus > Stony Brook University

mAbs Inhibit Human RAGE by Blocking Its Binding to Heparan Sulfate

Monoclonal antibodies that block heparan sulfate binding to human RAGE, preventing its activation in disease states to serve as a therapeutic treatment. Background: Receptor for Advanced Glycation End products (RAGE), a widely expressed inflammatory receptor for disease states such as atherosclerosis, cancer, Alzheimer disease, drug-induced liver...
Published: 1/28/2025   |   Inventor(s): Ding Xu, Chih Yean Ong, Miaomiao Li
Keywords(s): Featured, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > University at Buffalo, Technology Classifications > Antibodies, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics and Vaccines

Compositions and Methods for Increased Circulation Half-Life

Single domain antibody composition that enable half-life extension and increased blood:tissue ratios. Background: While strategies such as PEGylation (PEG, polyethylene glycol), albumin binding, and Fc-fusion have been employed to extend the half-life of biological and pharmaceutical agents, there remains a need for additional strategies that not...
Published: 1/28/2025   |   Inventor(s): Brandon Bordeau, Joseph Balthasar, Toan Nguyen
Keywords(s): Featured, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > University at Buffalo, Technology Classifications > Antibodies, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics and Vaccines

IgA Monoclonal Antibodies as a Prophylactic and Therapeutic Treatment for Dengue Virus Infection

Enables the prevention and treatment of dengue by avoiding the challenge of Antibody Dependent Enhancement. Background: Dengue virus is one of the most widespread vector-borne viral pathogens in the world. Nearly 400 million dengue virus infections occur each year, resulting in approximately 20,000 deaths. In addition, dengue-associated illness comprises...
Published: 1/21/2025   |   Inventor(s): Adam Waickman, Adam Wegman
Keywords(s): antibody, antibody therapy, biologics, biomedical, disease prevention, immunotherapy, monoclonal antibody, Technologies, viral immunology, viral pathogenesis
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Therapeutics and Vaccines, Technology Classifications > Antibodies, Technology Classifications > Healthcare, Technology Classifications > Viral Vectors, Campus > Upstate Medical University

Drug Discovery Based on Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS)

Enables drug discovery without introducing modifications to the molecules, while lowering costs by requiring only small amounts of the tested molecules. Background: Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a novel, label-free, sensitive, specific, fast, and relatively inexpensive tool for drug discovery. It offers the potential to detect and...
Published: 3/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): Igor Lednev, Lamyaa Almehmadi, Jia Sheng
Keywords(s): Raman spectroscopy, RNA, RNA chemistry, TAF, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > University at Albany, Technology Classifications > Antibodies, Technology Classifications > Biomedical Science and Engineering, Technology Classifications > Drug Delivery, Technology Classifications > Healthcare, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics and Vaccines

Antibody Against Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate Receptor Type 2 (anti-IP3R antibody)

Antibody against the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptor (IP3R) type 2 Background: The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2 (IP3R2) is an intracellular Ca²⁺-release channel located on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). IP3R2 is characterized by a high sensitivity to both IP3 and ATP and is biphasically regulated by Ca²⁺. Furthermore,...
Published: 1/9/2025   |   Inventor(s): Richard Wojcikiewicz
Keywords(s): antibodies, antibody
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Antibodies, Campus > Upstate Medical University

Easily Produced Nanoscale Hot Spots for More Sensitive Raman Scattering Using Liquid Metal Structures

A novel nanophotonic sensor that enhances Raman scattering signals by several orders of magnitude by creating nanoscale hot spots formed by liquid metal. Background: Analytes in the hot spots of such nanophotonic sensors will experience drastically enhanced interactions with the incident light, and therefore produce much more optical sensing signals....
Published: 2/12/2025   |   Inventor(s): Peter Liu, Xianglong Miao, Shreyan Datta
Keywords(s): Featured, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > University at Buffalo, Technology Classifications > Antibodies, Technology Classifications > Biomedical Science and Engineering

Targeted Delivery of Matrix-Modulating Enzymes

­For enhanced monoclonal antibody uptake and distribution in solid tumors. Background: Penetration of anti-tumor therapies is often limited by the tumor microenvironment, which can include a high density of extracellular matrix as well as elevated interstitial fluid pressure, both of which create a barrier to distribution. It is well established...
Published: 1/28/2025   |   Inventor(s): Joseph Balthasar, Brandon Bordeau
Keywords(s): Technologies
Category(s): Technology Classifications, Technology Classifications > Antibodies, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics and Vaccines, Campus > University at Buffalo

Methods of Treating and Preventing Angioedema and Vascular Leakage

Peptides and antibodies that block vascular permeability induced in angioedema patients that are new targets for treatment. Background: Angioedema associated with C1-INH deficiency is an inherited or acquired condition that affects 20 per cent of the population. The condition can be disfiguring, painful and sometimes fatal. Existing treatments primarily...
Published: 10/3/2024   |   Inventor(s): Berhane Ghebrehiwet
Keywords(s): angioedema, gClqR, Medical, Monoclonal antibody, peptides, Technologies, vascular leakage
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Antibodies, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics

Monoclonal Antibody, Anti Ft LVS LpnA/Tu14 Clone 164

An intracellular bacterium that can initiate the human response to Tularemia Background: Francisella tularensis is an intracellular, gram-negative bacterium that invades macrophages and initiates the human immune response. Technology Overview: Tularemia, commonly known as ?rabbit fever? can be communicated across several species including;...
Published: 10/3/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jorge Benach, Anne Savitt
Keywords(s): Anti Ft LVS LpnA/Tul4 Clone 164, Biological or Antibody, Monoclonal antibody, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Antibodies, Technology Classifications > Research Tools and Reagents
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